About Me

Geek chick trying to make her way in this world without offending the powers that be so that I can glide under the radar but still do what I wanna do. Get it? Got it? Good.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Queen of maintenance

... that would be awesome if I was at my goal weight!  I continue to forge onward and I'm thankful that I haven't gained so far during this holiday party season, cause i've had my fair share of parties so far.

This weekend is the long 12 hour drive out east, so I've been busy laundering, packing and sorting through all my clothes so that I can donate the stuff that is too big to family back home.  It's like a second christmas, but with clothes. :)

I haven't been exercising, other than dragging large baskets of laundry around.  I know i'm bad, but at this point, I'm too busy to care or beat myself up over it.  I'm still watching what I eat and sticking to my points as much as humanly possible, which is probably the main reason I'm maintaining instead of gaining... all good in my book.

Ok, so people in the US in states like Florida are moaning that it's cold (30's/40's) well here it is a nice balmy 4 degrees... yup 4 degrees and in Sarnia Ontario (which is about 3 hours west of where I live) there were 240 people stuck in their cars on a snow plugged highway.

Now do you know why I don't run outside in the winter???  It's fricken crazy!  And this isn't even the worst of it yet.. wait until January or Febrary when we get wayyyyy below sub zero temps... Awesome!

I want to move to Nevada...I don't want to wait 15 years until retirement... I need to win the lottery!

That's it for today, just wanted to poke my head in here for a quick update...prove that I'm still alive :)

1 comment:

  1. Maybe that should be your 'holiday goal' -- just to maintain? I'm starting to believe that's mine. There are too many parties / surprises in December...
    Have a nice trip :)
