So four restaurant visits last week and 3 times running 5km on the treadmill last week with no extra kms in between... and I stil managed to lose 0.5 lbs!!!
WOOO - Freaking out - HOOOOO!
All that eating out was tough, and I feel like it cost me a lot more than just money, but time... more time spent working towards my goal. The only thing that made it worth it was the lessons learned and the great company.
This week's weigh in better be freaking spectacular!
And on a final note, I can't believe i've done 100 blog posts already.. .wow ... 100 blog posts that about 2 people have read on a regular basis LOL
Here's to 100 more!
A lifelong overweight couch potato is awestruck in May 2009 when witnessing the runners for a 5k leave the starting line; thousands of people of all shapes and sizes. "I thought running was only for skinny people!" The couch potato realized it was time to get off the sofa and run... no more waiting for skinny, there were no more excuses.
About Me
- Kandykisses
- Geek chick trying to make her way in this world without offending the powers that be so that I can glide under the radar but still do what I wanna do. Get it? Got it? Good.
I wonder how many kilometres you've run since we started running together, total. That's quite a milestone you've reached! Congrats :)